Why are we the best photographer for YOUR Wedding day?


Well, we may not be. I have to ask you that! We don’t proclaim to be the best in the world, country or even Florida. But we want to be the best for YOU. I don’t know if we are the best photographer for you until we meet, and go over everything we do to make your experience a better one. In addition to going over our photography process, we take the time to get to know you. Starting not with the details of your wedding, dress, flowers, cake etc… (we know you will make the best decisions on those) but we start with who YOU are, and what you two do for fun!  That’s where the get to know you session starts to take place, when we discover who you are!

I want to know about you two as a couple. Not anything more or less. We have some secret questions we ask, to better ourselves so we can learn about you both as a couple. That’s where it all begins. This way I can make the best suggestions for you for your conveniently enough, “get to know you session”. We’re the only photographer in the area I believe that does it that way. Even though its based off of the “We’re Engaged” Package of a 1.5 hr session, there’s no time-limits; there’s only that of either driving around finding some spots to hit up for photos, going to your favorite date place and making memories come back, or what you two do for fun, like fishing, boating, skiing, diving, traveling, or a lovely walk in Orlando,or the beach. While doing this the conversation usually is about the fun things we all do in life.

There’s a lot and I mean a LOT of decisions to be made when choosing a photographer. I always tell people when they say to me, ‘well we’re thinking about using you, or XX Photography’. I would tell you to find the best one you LOVE, and the photographer that their photos draw you in the most. But you have to meet your prospective choices, don’t do it off of a whim, unless you are so certain and definite, that you don’t want to lose your date.  That is a realistic loss on some occasions. I’ve had two or three people asking about the same date 15-18 months out. They thought I was trying to rush them into booking when I told them. It wasn’t until they came back and made the final decision saying they’d love for me to be the photographer. 🙁 I was no longer available and they were sad. They asked if there was anything I could do. ‘We really wanted you from the beginning’ and I had to say there wasn’t, because we committed to a couple that secured it. So no matter what, when you’re looking for the photographer for your wedding, be ready, be available to say yes and commit, because the best choice for your wedding might be gone the next day.

I recently had the opportunity to scan the realms of the photography world and see what has changed since the last time I looked at who was doing photography in my 75 mile normal demographical area. I did this about 5-6 years ago when I had to increase our prices to provide better service and experience.  I noticed some shocking things that are under the surface. We shoot modern, we shoot what you love. Education is the best way to make a sound decision on a photographer for your wedding.

Cell Phones over your lifetime will run you about $70,000.00-100,000.00 Thats SEVENTY, and ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND. So we don’t make sound decisions on those life necessities, but on the weddings, a lifetime of memories cost you anywhere from $2,000-$7,000.00 is pennies over the lifetime.


During my discovery, I noticed some package details that just definitely didn’t make ANY sense. Here’s a few things we DO NOT and WILL NOT ever do… SO HERES MY PROMISE TO YOU!

Unlimited time…. means unlimited time, not up to 8hrs, 5hrs or 10hrs. It means unlimited.

– We will never stand out at your wedding in a Bright Colored shirt.

– Unless we have a very unique reason, we always share new work, not show you old work from years ago proclaiming its new. If we shoot it we post it:)

– WE WILL NOT! Subcontract services and take a cut from them. A company who subcontracts vendors to do your wedding and BUNDLES the package for you is not my thing. I try to specialize in one singular thing. The parent company contracting usually takes half of the subcontractors work to advertise, and sell as their package. The subcontractor doesn’t see the profits, therefore in my opinion might not have flexiblity to go above and beyond for you.

–  I WILL NEVER send a student,  a lead photographer of the week, or assistant to do your wedding if I am the scheduled photographer. We have a small business, that is a tight knit group,: Lindsay, Daniella, Whitney. No changes in over 4 years. We’re upfront on who your photographer is. You will get to work with them on an engagement session before your wedding. And we will NEVER bait and switch saying oops we’ve overbooked.

– I will never tell you I’d rather post the photos you order because we’ll photo-shop them more and make them better looking. We edit ALL photos before we cull through them for the best ones for you. That’s such a sales tactic to force the order to share. We always share your story, photo, or blog about you!

-I don’t need a heavy, costly storefront to photograph your wedding beautifully. If so we’d be shooting weddings here.  Of course we can show you large print samples, even without all that.  This helps us keep the cost down and offer more rather than pay rent.

-I will never mix NUDE photos on our blog. When I mean nude, I mean nude. These are for mature, 18+ audiences, and I have families with children coming to our site so I don’t want the embarrassment.

-I am NEVER inconsistent with our retainer to hold service, it’s always a $300.00 retainer + tax, and that’s usually affordable to everyone, that would be interested in us.

-I will NEVER EVER keep more money than indicated in the contract if there is a cancellation. You receive everything back that is owed to you outside of the terms of the contract. That’s why there’s a contract. Face it- sometimes we elope, change to a destination wedding, or flip a date because of family members availability. So that’s why we are fair with refunds and cancellations. Yes we have to take retainers, and block off dates, and unfortunately those are lost if a cancellation occurs. But if you pay more…. outside of the terms, you WILL get that back.

-When you order prints from us, we don’t charge an arm and a leg, and we will never WATERMARK prints you order. I want them to be unobstructed, and advertisements in your own home suck!
Mark + Lindsay




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