Nikon 14-24mm AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm review

Nikon 14-24mm Review Image: Nikon
Nikon 14-24mm! Looking to up your game? The Nikon 14-24 mm review is in! Wondering what is the best lens to get? This is one of my top 3 lenses; certainly my go-to for almost every aspect of work. Since I photograph weddings and people a lot, I tell the story with nice scenery, incorporating wide angle into family sessions and engagement photography. Below are samples of images I’ve photographed with this lens.
Where to buy? Adorama, Amazon, Ebay, BH Photo Currently $1,896.95
The lens does focus fast, but not as fast as some of my other lenses. Since it is such a large lens, it actually has a hefty weight to it. That would be the only downfall to me that this lens comes with. The image from Nicaragua’s Gigante Bay was taken portrait with the shell, and looking towards Gigante at night with the stars.
Nikon 14-24mm AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm with image samples
Long Exposure Light Night Photographs:
Clarity: Even at 2.8 it is super sharp, the lens does forgive for errors in focusing if you are manual focusing. If you are off a bit the depth of field is somewhat forgiving. The auto focus does work well on low light conditions. Just have you or your assistant use an iphone (use flashlight) to have an auto focus assist. Most of my night shots I photograph at f-3.5-5. This lens has been one of my greatest additions to help me capture the beautiful scenery of a star filled sky.
People Places and Trains Oh My!
Yes, the lens is great for that too, but the bulk as I mentioned does make you think twice about 2 hours into the carry. Thankfully I use Spider Holsters for my cameras so I do not have straps or anything hanging on my neck. With the 24mm zoom, it makes for a perfect travel lens in portrait or landscape. You could get away with using a 24mm at ADORAMA for under $400.00 for dedicated compact travel lens. All in all, if you have the desire to advance your wide angle photography you can be assured that the Nikon 14-24mm will be a great addition to your bag.
Where to buy? Adorama, Amazon, Ebay, BH Photo Currently $1,896.95
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