DJI Phantom Mods / Secrets – How to stream audio over any livestream


Looking for a way to stream external audio tracks over your Phantom livestream?

I was struggling to find a way to livestream with music through the DJI Phantom, DJI GO, DJI GO 4 apps while I was flying my drone. The concept occured when I took my first flight just last week and I heard the noise from the copter over my livestream even though it was nearly 200 feet away. It’s sometimes neat to hear it but then passing cars were wooshing by and for my viewers that might begin to get annoying. If you haven’t livestreamed before take a peek at my tips to livestream and get viewers on your page. Let me be clear, I’m not technical and don’t know how to solder or know electrical or audio systems really well. Thankfully you’ll not have to do any hard technical mods here and you won’t have to mod your drone at all.

So, you’re ready to livestream with your drone over facebook, youtube, Weibo or even a custom site via the RTMP option but do not want to have all the ambient noise of your drone, or cars passing by then you’re with me.  Lets explore how simple and easy this is to do. But be warned, if you use any copyright songs you won’t be able to post your videos, you can stream and I am sure Facebook and youtube will kill the reach. I have a fix for that. Lets explore what we’ll need first.

What you’ll need

Basic Setup for Audio Streaming Livestreams

(Android) or (Apple) Tablets or Phones are needed to livestream
Audio Cable 3.5mm audio cable supplies the tablet sound.
6.35mm to 3.5mm adapter This Reduces the plug size.
Audio adapter Used to convert microphone to audio input
Youtube Or your library of music on your phone or tablet.

This setup will run you under $25.00 if you have the tablets

1.  Your music audio source will be an external tablet connected to the internet or where you have audio on your device

2. The output from the tablet will supply the audio in acting like a microphone.

2a. connecting the audio out to the iRig, to the input of your phone or device controlling the drone.

3. Dji app will pickup the microphone jack as your audio and broadcast that over.

4. I have not tried it with lightning adapters, and background music playing on a single devices. let me know if comments if that works.

This is all you’ll need to get up and running. I recommend using a shorter cord as you’ll have the tablet and phone near each other. With youtube you must find a royalty free song that will not be flagged for violation. Youtube, Facebook and all the other sites have implementation to hide the post or reduce the reach if they detect copyright. I searched for copyright free music and found one that sounded decent. I will be getting my track from a musician where he will be creating some custom ones for me.

When you start up the feed, have your music playing, you will need to leave your phone open unless you subscribe to Youtube Red to enable background playing. Alternatively if you do want to stream a song from your library you can do that just be warned about the reach and video being removed. With this setup if you’d like to do narration or even just talk you can do the same with a microphone splitter and attach a headset to talk directly. The tablets omnidirectional microphones usually pick up a lot of background noise!

Warning at around 2minutes I unplug the mic to talk on the ipad it gets loud here’s my first sample of audio livestreaming.

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